Designer bags are a financial and emotional investment.
Prices can range into millions of dollars from certain high-end designers. There are people who collect them for personal reasons and others that value and respect the brands for what they are. Purchasing a bag of this caliber involves making sure that it is authentic. Luxury handbags can be verified by Pawn USA to ensure the item is authentic quickly and easily.
If you have “luxury designer purses” and accessories, we know you value them enough to get the real thing. You buy the real deal and if you are finished with it, you want to sell it. Pawn USA gives you an avenue to provide proof that you have authenticity. For only $40 we will authenticate your purse and provide you with an Authenticity Printed Certificate, Authentication ID, and Certificate Link!
- Prada
- Louis Vuitton
- Gucci
- Chanel
- Hermes
How to make it work for you:
- Pawn USA offers luxury bag authentication services for $40 (Hermès for $125)
- You must physically bring the bags in
- There is a 96.4% authentication accuracy
Counterfeiting is a worldwide issue that has consistently become more problematic through the years. We can help solve this problem by authenticating the purse, accessory or even luggage and give you a certificate. This documentation is valid for 60 days.
Keep it Real
- Louis Vuitton
- Chanel
- Gucci
- Céline
- Prada
- Hermès